Complications and Smart Stack Widgets
SmartGym has lots of complications and widgets you can add to your Smart Stack. We will list all of them below.
Circular Complication
You can choose between two options for this size of complication: the App Icon, which will simply launch the app, or the workout summary, which will show how many times you worked out that week.
Corner Complication
The same two options are available as the Corner Complications.
Retangular Complication or Smart Stacks
For the larger size complication or for Smart Stacks, SmartGym has many different options.
Workout Charts is interactive, meaning you can change the chart by tapping the arrow buttons on each side, without even opening the app.
Workout Summary shows your weekly summary.
Up Next shows which routine is up next and how many workouts you've done during the week.
The Heart Rate Chart provides a visual representation of this week's heart rate data.
The Active Calories Chart provides a visual representation of this week's active calories data.
The Workout Duration Chart provides a visual representation of this week's workout duration data.